baby development

May 21, 2008

My Progress Report

This is my progress report from Talentplus Playgroup for the period of January 2008 - June 2008.

Language Development Skills/Concepts
Listens to Stories - Yes
Responds to Stories - Yes
Imitates animal sounds - Sometimes
Name 5 body parts - Some
Talks with friends - Yes

Social/Emotional Development Skills/Concepts
Participates in group activities - Yes
Begin to share or take turns - Yes
Gets along with peers - Yes
Tries to help others - Yes
Follows classroom rules - Yes

Basic Development Skills/Concepts
Identifies 3 basic colours - 0
Identifies 3 basic shapes - 0
matches objects or pictures that are the same - Yes
Counts by rote to 5 - Some
Anticipates what comes next in a story - Passive

Creative Expression Skills/Concepts
Responds to music through body movement - Yes
Responds to songs through singing and movement - Yes
Participates in painting activities - Yes
Participates in creating simple craft projects - With guidance
Share stories about daily experiences - No

Remarks: Kaylyn is a cute and fun loving girl. She enjoys singing, music and movement, cooking and art. She has good observation skills and as a result she was able to identify things when we are reading a story.

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