baby development

Oct 19, 2008

July Mummies/Babies Gathering

Another round of July babies gathering again!

This time, Auntie Eeyore rented the function room at her condo to hold the gathering. I'm so happy to be able to see my friends again. So while mummy & aunties were busy munching on food & chatting away, I was busy running around with my friends, catching & throwing balloons.

Here's some pixs to share...

Oct 18, 2008

Hickory Dickory Dot

Hickory dickory dot..the mouse went up the clock...

My school artwork...

Oct 12, 2008

MacDonald's Magic Show

There's an opening party at the Hougang Festival Market MacDonald's today so mummy brought me to Hougang Point for breakfast with Uncle RB, auntie Lizhen & mei mei En Qi. We had toasted bread & pratas at Ah Mei Cafe then we shopped around the shopping complex & bought some groceries at NTUC.

Soon it's time for the magic show to start, so we quickly proceeded to the tentage outside the building. Luckily it's break time, so we managed to find good seats in the middle. The magic show was performed by Ronald MacDonald & it's very interesting, although mummy & auntie looks really bored.

When the show ends, I'm hungry again so we went to have lunch at MacDonald's. Mummy then drove Uncle & family home. However, I refused to leave their house when I saw the toys so we stayed for awhile longer & finally leave when the it's threatening to rain.

Before the magic show starts...

One group pix

One more try

Let's play piano together...