baby development

Aug 31, 2008

My Gift for Teacher's Day

Its Teacher's Day and I prepared some cards for the teachers in my playschool. Mummy helped me to cut out the shapes while I pasted it on the cards.

Hope teachers will like it!

Me and My School Uniform

My school uniform at Talentplus Playgroup...

Aug 18, 2008

Food Art

Our teacher from Talentplus playgroup taught us to make mashmallow man today. We used icing to draw faces onto mashmallows & put them onto toothpicks. Fun & yummy too!

Aug 14, 2008

My Cozy Reading Corner

Mummy has been concern about the my lack of interest in books and reading so while I was away at school, she decided to do up a reading corner in the study room.

Previously, all my books and puzzles are stored in drawers and boxes & I hardly touches them unless mummy brought them out. Now by setting up a reading corner & arranging the books nicely on the shelvings, mummy hope that I can acess them easily & cultivate the love for reading books.