baby development

Nov 15, 2006

I wasn't really an easy baby to take care cos I had colic for the 1st 3 months...Every night at 9pm, I'll start wailing without fail until 12midnight. All the rocking, singing & patting in the world could not pacify me. Mummy even resorted to feeding me but I'll still cry hysterically.
Once, daddy even took me out for a car ride, hoping to soothe me to sleep. This worked once but thereafter, I'm back to howling again.

Ah Mah & Ah Gong said mummy should bring me to the temple to pray but mummy, being a free-thinker, simply ignore their suggestions. Ah Mah commented tat I'm such a difficult baby & is reluctant to take care of me. Mummy was very sad but she still put on a brave front. This lasted from a couple of weeks & my howling & wailing in the night simply proves too much for mummy & daddy.

Mummy became really desperate & consulted some aunties in the forum. A few kind aunties recommeded Infacol which helps to reduce colic & wind in stomach & mummy quickly rushed down to the pharmacy to get one.

Gradually over 2 weeks, my condition improve & miraculously, my crying suddenly STOPPED!! Mummy & daddy are so delighted!