baby development

Apr 10, 2007

PTT Gathering at Auntie Jayne's House

Today, mummy brought me to Auntie Jayne's house for PTT aka Poor Tai-Tai gathering. Her new house is situated in Simei so we took a cab there...There was a slight drizzle when we left the house but it radually became heavy rain. Luckily, we managed to hail a cab while taking shelter at the steps of the overhead bridge.

We were late when we reached there at about 2.30pm and everyone else had already arrived. Auntie Elin & Emerson, Auntie Geri & Garrick, Auntie Serena, Ian & Issac and Auntie Carole & Gillian. There was a colourful playmat on the floor & all the babies were playing with toys laid there. I'm not interested in the toys though, I rather crawl all over the floor & playing catching with Issac Kor-kor. (Or rather, he hide while I crawl after him...hee...hee...).

I LOVE playing with Issac Kor-kor cos he runs very fast & keep screaming away...Haa...haa...Mummy says Issac Kor-kor told her he's very scared of me! ?????

Auntie Jayne made very nice pasta & dessert for us while Auntie Geri made homemade ice-creams for the gathering...yum...yum...

1 comment:

Little Angel Venice said...

Hello Kaylyn, u cut yr hair so short, so cute..i almost cant recognise u...haha! is time for me to go haircut too : )