baby development

Feb 1, 2008


Here's a rough estimate of the words I can speak now...
- apple
- banana
- xie-xie (thank you)
- guai (gd gal)
- dog
- bear
- rabbit
- meow
- bird
- airplane
- car
- shhh & put index finger to her mouth
- eat
- mum-mum,
- milk
- water
- mouth
- nose
- eyes
- mei-mei (pretty)
- kor-kor
- di-di
- jie-jie
- mei-mei (sis)
- auntie
- ma-ma
- pa-pa
- ah gong
- ah mah
- nai-nai
- ye-ye
- bye-bye
- hello
- bu-yao (don't want)
- psss (please)
- thank you
- dia dao le (fall down)
- diao le (drop)
- fall
- drop
- or-or (slp)
- ball
- door
- gai-gai
- wet
- water
- dirty
- bag
- school
- chair
- flower
- open
- up
- down
- Yes (Nod head)
- No (Shake head)
- hug
- Recite 1 to 10
- Recite A - Z
- Sing ABC, Twinkle twinkle little star, Old MacDonald, Itsy Winsy Spider, Hickery Dickory Dock etc

That's about 57 words at 18.5mths.

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