baby development

May 4, 2007

PTT Gathering at Auntie Ethel's House

Mummy brought me to Auntie Ethel's house at Sengkang for a swim today. Her house is really nice with staircases leading up all the way to the roof top. Mummy said I'm very naughty cos I kept trying to climb up the stairs. Auntie Geri made her Tiramisu again for tea today & everyone enjoyed it tremendously.
Isaac Kor-kor kissed me too! Here's the proof!

The pool was really lovely with lotsa fountains. However I needed some time to warm up to the idea of submerging my body into the pool while most of my friends were very at ease with swimming.

By the time I dared to venture deeper into the pool & played with the fountains & float, it's time to pack up & leave the pool. Sigh...I'm so disappointed!

Mummy fed me Auntie Geri's porridge today. Yum..yum!! I managed to finished 3 servings of the porridge! Mummy was so surprised. Cos normally, I can only eat half a small bowl of porridge per feeding. On some days, I don't even wanna eat a single bite at all.

Mummy consulted Auntie Geri on the recipe for cooking the stock & here's how to do it:
1 whole chicken/4 chicken drums/8 chicken wings
3 whole carrots
2 whole sweet corns

Add water & ingredients & boil over low fire for aboout 45mins
(The stock can be used for about 5 days period. However if baby is a BIG eater, then can only last shorter period)

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