baby development

Nov 21, 2007

Mummy saw the following article from

Your 16-month-old's social and emotional development: The toddler connection
by Dana Sullivan
Reviewed by the BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board

New this month: The toddler connection
Even at this young age, your toddler is learning that he is rewarded with positive attention — hugs, laughter, praise — when he behaves in ways that people around him think are "right," and that he is punished or ignored when his behavior is "wrong." (What may really amaze you is how quickly your intuitive toddler learns that to different people right and wrong mean different things. A behavior that might elicit a frown from you, i.e., pounding a toy on the coffee table or pulling the dog's tail, brings peals of laughter from an older sibling.)

The social interactions you're most likely to witness now are basic — waving, smiling, playing peekaboo, and following simple instructions — but these are all first steps in establishing his personal social style that are learned through imitation. A 16-month-old is also able to initiate displays of affection and he'll give back what he receives. If you show affection with hugs and kisses, he will likely, too.
Mummy's Comment: Kay sure loves to give kisses & hugs. Even playing peekaboo with total strangers.

Other developments: Developing self-awareness
A newborn isn't able to differentiate between himself and his mother or between himself and any object he sees. Tasting, touching, smelling, and hearing what's in the world around him are ultimately what help him understand that he is a separate being. At about 16 months, your toddler understands that he is his own person, but that he can use you as an extension of himself. For instance, if he sees a toy that he wants but can't reach, he'll push you toward it and gesture until you know he wants you to hand it to him. Or, he may not feel comfortable walking up a flight of stairs, but since he's determined to do it anyway, he'll grasp your hand so you can help him.
Mummy's Comment: Kay likes to place my hand on her body to indicate she wants me to pat her, drag me across the room so I can get things for her, wants me to play kitchen set with her, pat me to bed etc. Never failed to amaze us wif what she can do nowadays.

At this stage, your toddler knows he is powerful and he is the center of his world. He uses your attention and amazement and appreciation of his accomplishments to attempt even more. He wants to succeed at everything he tries, though he often won't. You'll catch him attempting to carry objects that are far too heavy or unwieldy for him to handle, but he'll be adamant about trying. Rather than help him, admire his chutzpah and let him cry out his frustrations when he can't do something; he'll keep trying and soon succeed.

Giving him opportunities to imitate you at work, such as "cooking" in a play kitchen since he can't really make you dinner, will help cut down on the frustration he feels about being too little to do some of the things he wants to do and will also build his self-esteem. Toddler-sized tool sets, little play kitchens, or grocery carts are great fun for 16-month-olds.

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