baby development

Jul 13, 2009

My 3rd Birthday!

It's my 3rd BIRTHDAY!! Yipee!

I had an earlier celebration on Saturday with at Nai Nai's hse. Xiao Gu & family were sick so they couldn't join us. Nevertheless, Xiao Gu still took the effort to bake a birthday cake for me. It was shaped as a castle & it even had a princess & her pet cat!

The next day, mummy invited her family to our house for another round of celebration. This time, mummy ordered a Dora agar agar cake for me. Everyone else thought the cake is shaped after me. I look like Dora? I had a good time eating all the nice food that daddy cooked & playing with Aissac kor kor & Ashley Jie jie.

Monday was a school day and Mummy surprises me with a birthday cake at my school! All my classmates were distracted when mummy was busy setting up the cake & Ms Irene had to shout for us to pay attention. Check out the pixs below...